Frequently Asked Questions

How to do Advance fee entry & scholarship in SMS?
Last Updated 4 months ago


SMS follows the semester-wise fee method. But, sometime students or parents would like to pay fees in advance.

Advance fee process in SMS

  1. Create a fee cycle with a proper name and select the Mode as Advance Fixed Fees.
  2. After student enrollment and semester, mapping go to the Advance Fees menu section in the SMS
    1. Select Define Advance Fee Item (R) if it is for a common fee for a selected program or section etc. Or
    2. Select the Define Advance Fee item (V) for a different fee for each student or a set of students. Like, as exam fees, hostel fees etc.
  3. Select the fee cycle (which is created for advance fee payment), batch, program, semester, dates, and fees in the relevant columns.
  4. Submit the data
  5. Repeat points no. 2 & 3 for next semester also.
  6. Click Advance Fees Process (R) for regular/fixed fees like tuition fees.
  7. Select the fee cycle, batch & program. The system will display the students, select students who want to pay fees in advance and submit.
  8. In the student portal; students can be able to see the fee requests for payment.

Scholarship process for advance fee

Follow the same steps for the scholarship

  1. Scholarship fund
  2. Mange scholarship
  3. Scholarship verification
  4. Grant Scholarship
  5. Award scholarship
    1. Select the academic year, student, scholarship name and select the fee cycle which is created for advance payment
  6. Submit the scholarship
  7. Continue the fee process.
  8. If the scholarship award is after fee process; follow the step from 1 to 6. The scholarship will update in the fee process table.
  9. If user wants to update the scholarship but the fee has been processed, then update it separately for each semester.

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