Frequently Asked Questions

Wrap Text and Merge cells in Excel
Last Updated 6 years ago

Wrap Text

When you enter text that is too long to fit in a cell into a cell, it overlaps the next cell. If you do not want it to overlap the next cell you can wrap the text.
1. Open a new sheet.
2. Move to cell A1.
3. Type “Text too long to fit”. (After typing, click out of the cell and back in again.)
4. From the Ribbon, choose Home >Alignment > Wrap Text.
5. After you click Wrap Text, it is highlighted.

Merge cells

Sometimes, rather than having text wrap in a cell, you will actually want the text to run across the width of the data. Usually when making a spreadsheet, you need to create a heading for the sheet. This heading should run across the width of your data. To do this, one must merge the cells across the width of the data. Select the range of cells, and click the Merge and Center button under Alignment group. The heading is now centered over the data.

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