Frequently Asked Questions

Sort and Filter Option In Excel
Last Updated 6 years ago

The sorting feature in Excel allows you to place records in order alphabetically or numerically. You may specify up to three sort levels (e.g. sort first by state, then by city, then by last name). Sorts may be ascending (A-Z or 0-9) or descending (Z-A or 9-0). You should always save the workbook before you sort.

Use the Sort A to Z (ascending) or Sort Z to A (descending) buttons to sort the records, so that the highest or lowest values are at the top of the column.


Click on any cell and then click on sort and filter option, located in the Home ribbon
Click on the Sort Z to A button, to view data in ascending order.
Click on the Sort Z to A button, to view data in descending order.

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