Frequently Asked Questions
Step 1
we need to navigate to the cell where you want to view the Salary of the particular Employee. - (in this instance, Click the cell with index 'H3').
Step 2
Enter the VLOOKUP Function in the above Cell: Start with an equal sign which denotes that a function is entered, 'VLOOKUP' keyword is used after the equal sign depicting VLOOKUP function =VLOOKUP ()
The parenthesis will contain the Set of Arguments (Arguments are the piece of data that function needs in order to execute).
VLOOKUP uses four arguments.
Step 3First Argument: the first argument would be the cell reference (as the placeholder) for the value that needs to be searched or the lookup value. Lookup value refers to the data which is already available or data which you know. (In this case, Employee Code is considered as the lookup value so that the first argument will be H2, i.e., the value which needs to be looked up or searched, will be present on the cell reference 'H2').
Second Argument: It refers to the block of values that are needed to be searched. In Excel, this block of values is known as table array or the lookup table. In our instance, the lookup table would be from cell reference B2 to E25. i.e., the complete block where the corresponding value would be searched.
NOTE: The lookup values or the data you know have to be in the left-hand column of your lookup table. i.e., your cell ranges.Step 5
Third Argument: It refers to the column reference. In other words, it notifies VLOOKUP where you expect to find the data, you want to view. (Column reference is the column index in the lookup table of the column where the corresponding value ought to be found.) In this case, the column reference would be 4 as the Employee's Salary column has an index of 4 as per the lookup table.
Step 6
Fourth Argument: The last argument is range lookup. It tells the VLOOKUP function whether we want the approximate match or the exact match to the lookup value. In this case, we want the exact match ('FALSE' keyword).
- FALSE: Refers to the Exact Match.
- TRUE: Refers for Approximate Match.
Step 7
Press 'Enter' to notify the cell that we have completed the function. However, you get an error message as below because no value has been entered in the cell H2i.e. No employee code has been entered in Employee Code which will allow the value for lookup.
However, as you enter any Employee Code in H2, it will return the corresponding value i.e. Employee's Salary.