Frequently Asked Questions

Scholarship allocation after fee process.
Last Updated 4 months ago

Case -: Append (New Entry)

Select student and award scholarship.

If the fee has already been processed.

If the scholarship amount is more than the fees

Exit with an Error message.

If the scholarship amount is less than the fees

Append the scholarship table and child table with fee cycle id

Update the scholarship amount in the fee process & child table based on the fee cycle id.

Exit with a Success message.

Case -: Update (Existing Entry)

Select the student and edit the scholarship amount.

If the fee has already been processed.

If the scholarship amount is more than the fees

Exit with an Error message.

If the scholarship amount is less than the fees

Update the scholarship table and child table with fee cycle id

Update the scholarship amount in the fee process & child table based on the fee cycle id.

Exit with a Success message.


Scholarship allocation after the fee process

Please find the following scenario and workaround

1. Scholarship allocated after the fee process

a.Follow the same process for scholarship award

2. Scholarship allocated before fee process, but scholarship amount has been changed after the fee process

a.Select the student scholarship award entry and click the edit button. Change the scholarship amount and scholarship and save.

In both cases, the scholarship amount will update in the fee process module and students can be able to pay the balance amount.

Scholarship allocation after fee payment

1. Refund the fee payment (The old receipt will cancel and it will not be available in the system)

2. Allocate / Award scholarships to the student

3. Process the fee after awarding the scholarship (Display the student details who did the fee refund action)

4. Do the fee entry thru Admission --> Fee Entry Module

5. A receipt will generate with a new ‘receipt number’

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